All Stretton Village Society Constitution

The Society was founded on 21st June 1973. The Constitution was agreed at the Annual General Meeting on 7th June 1974.  Minor changes were agreed at Annual General Meetings on 12th June 1976, 24th June 1992, 29th June 1993, 8th July 2003, 29th July 2008, 22nd July 2009, and 11th  May 2016.. The present Constitution was approved at an Extraordinary General Meeting on 31 July 2013 and revised at the AGM dated 11th  May 2016. 

Constitution of the Society

Name                          The name shall be the All Stretton Village Society

Purpose                     The Society is of the village and for the village and exists to protect its character and amenities.  

Membership              All residents of the village and ints immediate environs are deemed to be members of the Village Society and shall be actively encouraged to participate in the Society’s Annual General Meeting. Those residents shall also be entitled to attend meetings of the Society’s Committee as observers.

Committee                 The Committee shall consist of (up to) nine members to be elected at the AGM. The normal term of office shall be three years after which they shall (should) retire and may seek re-election for a further term at the AGM.  In addition, Councillors (specifically) representing All Stretton shall be members. The Committee shall have the power to co-opt up to three additional members to serve until the following AGM.

Prior to taking up post, all newly-elected and co-opted members shall be briefed by the Chair or Secretary about the duties and responsibilities of the role including the requirement to treat confidential committee proceedings as private and therefore not for disclosure to third parties until after the minutes have been formally agreed as a correct record.

The Committee shall be responsible (to the Society) for the administration of the Society and shall act in all matters on its behalf.

Quorum                      50% of the current membership of the Committee shall constitute a quorum subject always to at least half of their number being elected members of the Committee.

Chair(man)                 The Chair(man) shall be elected by members of the Society at its AGM from the newly-formed Committee.                    

Annual General Meeting                      The AGM shall be held on a convenient date in May.

Extraordinary General Meetings     An Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) of the Society shall be convened by the Chair(man) on the written request of not less than six fully paid-up members, stating the purpose of the meeting.

Finance                      The Committee shall have the power to raise monies for the furtherance of the purposes of the Society.  The Committee shall take responsibility for the proper management of the funds by:

depositing them in suitable bank account(s);

electing a Treasurer to take responsibility for the day-to-day management of the accounts;

nominating the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer as signatories to the accounts with a requirement for any two of the signatories to approve any payment;

produce an annual statement, audited by an appropriate person not on the Committee;

submit the annual statement to the AGM for approval.

Funds raised for a specific objective that are not required to be spent on that objective should be identified in the accounts and the village asked at the AGM how such funds should be treated.

In the event of the Society ceasing to exist, an AGM or EGM should determine how remaining funds should be disposed of. 

Changes to the Constitution              Any proposed change to the Constitution must first be made known to the membership by announcement on local noticeboards and/or by other means for a period of not less than 28 days prior to being presented for consideration at the AGM or, if necessary, at an EGM.

AS REVISED, 2 May 2018