About us

The Village Society exists to help preserve the quality of the village environment; care for the well-being of the village community; and, secure its legacy for future generations.

It works in partnership with key agencies, organisations and communities. It seeks to be knowledgeable and informed about the issues that impact on the village and the local area; and to articulate a well considered village perspective.

The Committee currently consists of

ChairCaroline Crump
SecretarySteve Butler
Treasurer Sandra Baker
MembersPenny Bienz
Rosie Faulkner
Joanna Shurmer
Ben Heiron
Non voting MembersLesley McIntyre
Andy Munro
Helen Stowell
President; advisory role
All Stretton’s representative on Church Stretton Town Council
All Stretton’s representative on Church Stretton Town Council

Details of how we are organised can be found below:

We use as our preferred social media account because its the only social media account that verifies real addresses, and so you can be assured that the membership thats on there are your neighbours. You can join it here.

Meetings and Minutes